Thursday, December 04, 2008

When currents converge

  • Adam Mansbach reviews Roberto Bolano's 2666 in The Boston Globe.
An excellent review which makes me want to read this thing even more.
To convey the emotional or topical polyphony of any of these sections would be impossible. I have said nothing, for instance, of Amalfitano's wife's adventures in Spain, which include several visits to a painter who has cut off his hand and attached it to a canvas, or of the speech Fate hears a Bobby Seale doppelganger deliver at a Chicago church on the topics of danger, money, food, stars, and usefulness. Everywhere in Bolaño's work, there is an unquantifiable precision to the absurdity; when a character insists that she believes in the existence of nothing except storms and Aztecs, the declaration makes sublime sense even before the explanation comes.

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